Friday, August 13, 2010

Little Lu Lu

Well I am a grandma (pause for effect lol)........................................
OK to six kittens I am a grandma... lol... Lu Lu had six kittens yesterday and they are so cute... I can't wait to see what they will look like when there fur starts to change. It took three LONG hours for her to birth them all ... and the last two were worry some almost didn't think they were going to make it ... but with help they are fine... she has SIX beautiful little babes :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thought Provoking....

Some one made a comment the other day about lies..... well it is sad but so many people around us lie .... In so much so that after a time of telling the lie they believe it themselves.... and then it gets even more fabricated and carries on and on and on ... and then they figure if they can go this far what else can they make the people around them believe..... To my understanding it is a sickness... that they must portray themselves as this out standing person because they really have nothing to hang on to other than the fantasy. They become the victim in every situation because that is how there mind works.... They lay the blame on everyone around them when it is really themselves they have to blame. I got a email from someone explaining to me what this sickness is called and I believe it is Freudian something....

It makes me so sad that people dislike themselves so much .... and believe there own fabricated fantasies, ( better known as LIES), to the point where it hurts everyone around them... people don't want to talk to them anymore, don't want to help them anymore, for the simple fact that they are always the victim and cannot trust if that person is going to tell the truth EVER....

What hurts even more... is they keep on fabricating lies about the people that have walked away from them .... and won't have anything to do with them anymore because they have been lied to so many times .... so the story gets bigger and bigger and bigger... and it makes the people that are being lied about have to run around and prove to the people that have been lied to ... that they are not the ones lying ..... how sad and vicious this cycle is ... I just pray that they will have an epiphany and STOP LYING TO AND ABOUT EVERYONE in there lives....

It is really like a child that is not getting the attention it wants so it looks for ways that do get attention... such as ...LYING and STEALING, and then they continue to lie even when they are caught... or they make up another story to make sure they don't get blamed for what happened....

this makes me so sad, but I honestly do not feel sorry for these people anymore... because you cannot help someone that is not willing to admit they have a problem, because they will keep lashing out and still make the person who is being honest look like the person who is victimizing they Liar.