Thursday, November 4, 2010

Make Pie

Well... lets see... I have been pondering for awhile and listened to things and people around me ... I listen to complaints of not having enough ... not getting enough... not having the right things... and don't get me wrong... I have made these complaints myself... as humans we are a always wanting more species... can't get enough... I mean look at the stuff we throw away ... don't get me started on the whole bigger is better...

My little family has never had it all... I grew up with the simple things in life ... and sometimes even those were a luxury... I remember having pie and biscuits for three meals a day cuz mom and me only had black berries in the freezer left over from summer ... and mom didn't get paid for another two days from her job at the then Wolco... the now Walmart...

But I also remember Christmas as a mom (Santa he-he) would always make it special and wonderful even if it took all year... it was always this HUGE meal and family and friends and cookies and those once a year treats like eggnog ... and everyone would eat and be happy and have to loosen there pants after dinner to make room for dessert... lol ...

(this may be just mentally vomiting to those of you that actually read this lol) ... but really ... when I sit back and look at my life ... I am grateful... thankful.... we may not have everything.... we may not drive a fancy car... we don't dine out at fancy restaurants... we don't rub elbows with high society ....what is that anyway... and really who care who makes more or what they have or what they are wearing .. who is that ... Tyra?... personally I think those gurls never grew out of playing dress up... lol

We have what we need... a home, a vehicle , food, heat, warm beds, FAMILY, GOOD FRIENDS...we have simple pleasures/luxuries.... cable, internet and a little extra to go for ice cream...... I don't think I would know what to do with more than that... I have never had it ALL what ever that may look like to someone else... I would love to one day have my own house... but we have a home ....

really this rambling is me just remembering to be thankful, grateful and happy with what heavenly father has given us the strength and help to get us where we are .... and to smile... cus even when it seems like the whole world is going to end because you ran out of milk for cereal this morning.... check the freezer for that fruit you picked in the summer ... make pie.... you may think your just getting by... but speaking from a kid who remembers.... pie three times a day and warm biscuits.... makes me smile...

REMEMBER TO LOOK PAST THE WORRIES.... we have so much even when we think there is no hope...

blessings to you all